Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Creatures,Lairs and Kabouters :D

Here's some new stuff, enjoy!

Some quick landscape thumbs I did in Painter:

Some more charactersketches:

A creature I did inspired by the 'skeksis' creatures of the movie 'The Dark Crystal':

My entry for an artcontest on the Gnomon forums, the subject was 'Research Lair'.

I came out in 2nd place, and won 20 Gnomon Dvds! Yay me! :)

And that's it again for now! Next update will be an OVERLORD update, the xbox 360 / PC game I've been working on the last couple of years has finally hit the stands, and reviews sofar have been quite good!

I'll also post some links to some internet pressmovies that were released, on which I even get to speak abit...:S



Sjan Weijers said...


I like the little character sketches, they look cute and confident, nice style!

and I wish I could use painter the way you did with the landscapes ;)

Anonymous said...

Ha edwin!
Lang niet gesproken, ik zag je op fototje in de Power Unlimited! goed werk man, ik ga zeker een keer die game checken. En die schetsen hier zijn weer fantastisch echt super! Groeten uit de Drvkkery!

ps: ik ben inmiddels ook weer een opleiding begonnen, doe de fotovakschool in rotterdam
Mijn foto;s vind je op foto-tim.blogspot.com

Doodle.nl said...

Lekkerrrrr :) Even linkies uitwisselen? De jouwe staat er op.

MBKKR said...

Tof werk hoor, ziet er goed uit.

Natje said...

Hé Ed, remember me..cd-afdeling Drvkkery. Zit hier gewoon te kwijlen bij je mooie werk. Je bent echt supernatural!!
Succes met alles.
Liefs, Nathalie

heather Sybil Chavez said...

love your blog anre the characters are so cute

Heather Sybil Chavez said...

love your blog and the cute characters