Thursday, November 20, 2014

CTN 2014 - Los Angeles

This year I'll once again be an exhibitor at the CTN Animation Expo in Los Angeles!
Me and my wife Fleur will be at our stand all 3 days, together with our friends Wouter Tulp, David de Rooij, Edwin van Beek and Patrick Schoenmaker. 

Keep an eye out for the above poster, you can find us at booth nr B39!
I look forward seeing you there!


Monday, October 06, 2014

Trippel Trappel - 2D Feature Film design work!

In 2012 and 2013 I was fortunate enough to work as a set designer and layout artist on the 2D feature animation 'Trippel Trappel' (trailer can be found here). Now that the film has been released in theatres this october,  I can finally share some of my design work I did for this film! 

Above a selection of concept art and layout for backgrounds,  I'll be sure to dig through my files and post some more stuff next week!


Thursday, September 18, 2014

City Thumbnails


Here some more stuff I've been working on, more work coming up soon!


Sunday, September 07, 2014

Dragon Market

Hi guys,

Here's an image I did to experiment with a somewhat more realistic style.
Had a lot of fun with this one, will hopefully have time to do some more of these soon!


Friday, August 08, 2014

Bladerunner - Redesign

Here's my take on redesigning the world of Bladerunner. Done as part of the Facebook group 'Brainstorm', where weekly challenges are posted.

Really enjoyed working in this somewhat more realistic style, hopefully more to follow soon.


Themepark Visuals

Adventure Cove -  Sunken City
Terra Inventa Avenue

Adventure Cove - Treasure Trail
Adventure Cove - Dark Water Ride
These past few years I did quite a lot of theme park work, but due to NDA's the images I can not show in my portfolio. 

Therefore, I decided to start developing my own theme park as a portfolio project, which has been a lot of fun sofar! Above the first 4 visuals I did, fleshing out the  'Adventure Cove' and 'Terra Inventa' areas. 

I've been referring to this project jokingly as 'Edventure World' to friends,  a name I'll keep until I come up with something better (which shouldn't be too hard, ha!).


Swamp Maffia - Pensketches

Hi all!
I've been working on a ton of new stuff, in quite a wide range of styles. One of my favourite projects to work on is still my Swamp Maffia project, which we're trying to develop as an animated short. 

Above 3 rather rough concepts to flesh out our frog town 'Undertow City', sketched directly in pen on paper and grey scaled in photoshop. 

I thought I'd put up some snapshots of the pensketches aswell to give some insight in my work process. Next step in the process after grey scaling would be to create a tight line drawing, and flesh out everything in more detail. 

More stuff coming up!


Sunday, July 06, 2014

Pitch image

Image (c) Phil Wright / Touchopia
Here's a pitch image I recently did for an App project, as commissioned by the wonderful Phil Wright. More details on the project hopefully to follow later!

Thanks for letting me put this one online Phil, truly enjoyed working on it!  :)


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

More Swamp Maffia

Hi all!
Here are 2 more paintings done for my project, trying to further develop the look and feel of my toad-filled world. First painting zooms in on one of the many food stands that can be found throughout the city (which I for now dubbed 'Undertow City'), while the 2nd painting shows their main means of transportation across water.

Also still doing my daily spit paints, will post another batch here soon!

Back to work,

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Swamp Maffia

Hi guys,

Currently working hard to get some much needed color into my Swamp maffia world, above some colorboard stuff I've been working on! :)


Daily Digital Doodles

Robot Soldier Assembly

Feeding The Doves

Dinosaur Suit
Sky Traveller

Adventurer in the ancient temple

Hi guys,

As an exercise I've recently started doing a painting a day, as part of a Facebook Group called 'Spitpainting'. Above a selection of some of my favourite ones, the complete collection of speed paintings can be found up at my Facebook page. :)


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Facebook Page

Hi all!
I thought I'd let you guys know that I recently created a Facebook Page for my work, which'll be the place where all my most recent stuff can be found.

Please click the link above to find many new images, including daily speed paintings, and a lot of sketchbook stuff, thanks!

This blog I'll of course keep updating as well. :)


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Swamp Maffia | Visual

Here's a visual I did to explore the look for my personal project 'Swamp Maffia' a bit more;  hope you guys like it! :)
