Saturday, December 04, 2010

Snow Village

Here's something I did for fun, inspired by all the snow we've been having here in Holland these last couple of days! :)



Juan Bauty said...

"for fun"....


Junaid said...

Zeer awesome.

nick visser said...

te gek!

Shane said...

Wow brilliant painting Edwin. The lighting is beautiful.
Shane =)

David Smit said...

Waaaaa, wat een fijne painting! Doet me denken aan Dice Tsutsumi van Pixar!

Jelle Gijsberts said...

Picobello!! said...

Nice BG!

Anonymous said...

Gah! It's seriously awesome!!!

Bas Cahuzak Amsterdam, Netherlands said...

Nice! :D ook erg grappig

cornelis said...

Did you use your new handgloves?
Outstanding creation again, love it! Cornelis

Unknown said...

Vette shit ouwe! Het maakt me altijd vrolijk om weer een update van je te zien.

Ralf van der Hoeven said...

schitterend werk....

Avi said...

your work is utterly amazing. instant follow! :)

devil said...

nyc painting

commoncents said...


Common Cents

Unknown said...

This is awesome! just found your blog on blogs of note :)

- Amy

Comic Book Listings said...

Congratulations on your "Blog of Note"!

So much talent! You should probably read the following post on my Comic Book Listings Blog.

Are you ready? Here it is;
Create a Super Hero for the Stan Lee Foundation

Yeah that's right. "THAT", Stan Lee. The "Marvel Comics", Stan Lee. The creator of Spiderman no less. And this is an opportunity you don't want to miss.

Stan said...

Wow this is amazing. I'm doing an art portfolio right now and I was losing motivation until I saw this. Keep up the great job.

Denise Baer said...

Great picture! Congrats on your Blogs of Note.

Benoît said...

Really well done!!

positive affirmations said...

very nice painting..

RSA Now said...

Looks like fun! Can I have some of your snow? (and your talent!) :)

megs said...

This is so cool!!!! amazing!

startupbeat said...

One Student. One Startup. One Story

Emily said...

This is great! I love all of the detail.

jharden91 said...

very wintery i love it

dys·func·tion said...

Your drawings are beautiful. This one would make an awesome Christmas card!
Congrats on the Blog of Note!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is beautiful! Keep up the good work!

Barbies4Sale! said...

It's enough to steal a girl's heart away. ;) Great work!

OKinUK said...

Really nice!

Cucipata said...

Cool stuff!!

aintshakespeare said...


Edwin Rhemrev said...

Thanx for all the wonderful comments guys! Being noted as a Blog of Note kinda caught me by surprise, I was shocked to find out I gained 100 extra followers overnight, and didn't know what was the cause untill you guys told me :P

It's defenitely very motivating,I'm gonna try to update my blog even more often now!

Back to the drawingboard!


Thanx again

See me. Hear me. said...

It's amazing how one person can have so much talent in them.

little lion said...

Whoa! This is lovely. So glad I stumbled upon your blog. This drawing made me so happy!

Stinkpants said...

Dude, I just found your blog. I love it and I'm going to pass it along to friends. Nice work.


Prettypics123 said...

Congratulations on being named a blog of note. Love your work! Today's post is incredible! Feel free to stop by my blogs if you have the time and inclination! Levonne's Pretty Pics and A Camp Host Housewife's Meanderings.

Martyn Wendell said...

I love your whimsical/fantastical style! Props to blogger for directing so many of us here.

Unknown said...

nice. wish we have snow fall here in philippines. :)

The Night Time Brothers said...

Dude this is awesome! We shall follow this blog. Keep up the excellent work.

- David

funny bunny said...

WOW! you call this doodle.. its good:)

Anonymous said...

Oh man, You are really good! Please visit my site...I´m also an artist. My site is:

Mercina said...


Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Your work is great, Edwin! Congrats on being "Blog of Note" - well deserved!

Fried in Fla. said...

You are so talented. It is wonderful.

McKenna Sage said...

how, AMAZING! you are a wonderful artist!!

Tori said...

oh wow! that's awesome. it looks like the beginning of some very adorable holiday themed book that would eventually be turned into a christmas special that would play on 15 different channels the week before christmas. amazing drawings!

Anonymous said...


Aja Canyon said...

This is beautiful!

Allan said...

A couple of days late, I suppose, but congratulations on being picked as a blog of note. Most deserving person picked yet. Your artwork's a big inspiration. :)

Camasthecat said...


conniehollyer said...

I love how happy it is! Amazing work!

Anonymous said...

What a blast of an illustration!

Congratulations on the Blogs of Note award!

fellow blogger

Read Aloud Dad

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the Blogs of Note award!

fellow blogger

Read Aloud Dad

chelso said...

Very clever!

The rooster, the top hat man, and the sledder's expression make it for me.

Ai said...

You did this "for fun"?! It's AMAZING♥ Congrats on the Blog of Note! I love your style!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Amazing and very creative. Feel the chill and the wonder of it. :) Blessings.

Yesh said...

awesome! I would love to draw like you but I didn't develop my talent.

Doctor Zephyra said...

This is absolutely one of the most FUN drawings I've ever seen. I love that the old man is having so much fun! You're very talented, congratulations on your being chosen as a notable blog, you deserve it....kudos.

Tim said...

I really like this art project! You definitely have talent.

Lush Cluster said...

This is so great! I really love your work. So glad I found you and I can't wait to see more...
Lush Cluster

Dylan said...

this is really cool!

Dante Johnson said...

This is truly great. Very talented artist. This would be perfect for a holiday card, and may just be my new desktop wallpaper. :)

nice french vintage school said...

Seems like a very worthwhile and fun adventure. I look forward to reading more!
please if you have ONE minute come on my French vintage school

Jonas said...

That's a great blog! Really liked watching your paintings! Keep up the good work, I'm defenitely coming back =)


KC said...

Amazing painting.
Are you serious ?? did that for fun you say ??
WoW !!!

A Good Moroccan said...


Clara Báez Morandi said...

Amazing... and you did it "for fun". I'm coming back for some more "for real" drawings!

greetings from madrid!

Roy Thomson said...

Love it looks to me like it could be part of Terry Pratchitt's discworld.....


Anonymous said...

Woaaa this is really funny and make me smile :
Contagia tu sonrisa en

Anonymous said...


Amalie said...

Wow, youre crazy! Just "for fun". I couldn't do this if i were seriously, haha.

RanchLady said...

Please tell me you are working for Disney... or one of the big animation studios... cause if you aren't, ya should be! Terrific stuff! LOVE it! :)

Loes Vork said...

Heel mooi! Heb je zin om een keer in Gouda te komen tekenen?
Kijk daarvoor op

MPSource said...

GREAT Work !

Ampersand said...

I kinda want to be that guy when I grow up.

Aryudha said...

Its very2 good!

Dmarie said...

gosh, wish the snow would inspire me as greatly. well done!

Unknown said...

you are absolutely incredible

Unknown said...

Your work is absolutely brilliant. I just happened to land on your blog and I just love the sketches. Can't decide which is my favorite cos they all are brilliant.

Piet Voordes said...

WooooW!! Great Artwork!!

voordes said...

Wooooow!! Great work!!

Paulo Guimaraes said...

I bet he is having a good ole' time!! LOL Nice drawing!!

Ea said...

Amazing, I'm surprised it was 'only for fun.' We're having a lot of snow in the UK too =). Nice to see individual countries united by weather (LOL). Amazing artwork. I plan to start posting some of my own on my blog soon.

If you have spare time could you check mine out:

BTW, I just started Blogging.

酒店經紀威力 said...

Hello! I come from Taiwan's friend, very happy can in this for you introduce that our hometown beautiful scenery, welcome you the arrival!

Andrew said...

Really amazing stuff you create Edwin. I wish I had your talent!

M said...


Conectionz said...

You are an excellent artist....

Scott said...

Nice pics! Hello there, I found a website giving free puzzle games to his members. I have signed up and get a free game. Now I am enjoying and believe it's true. Would you like one ? Sign up in the below url

Agent Mulder said...

Thats insane!!! You have some real drawing skills lol. Wish I could draw like that!

-Agent Mulder

Jules said...

this is beautiful!!! i am so glad i stumbled upon your blog. i certainly feel like the character in your painting...Several inches of fluffy white snow outside right now! I can't wait to go outside and frolic :) happy holidays!!

J.C. Haynes said...

just brilliant!

LoupResed said...

cool design!!

Dr. Jennifer Freed said...

You have a wide range of talent! If only I was able to draw like that for fun. I've enjoyed browsing through your drawings.

Unknown said...

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Prettypics123 said...

Superior!!! Come by my blogs if you have a minute! Take care and happy holidays Edwin. Levonne (Congrats on being named a blog of note.!

ahmet bayraktar said...

Happy New Year =)

Alleisha V. said...

Your fun is cool ;) I wish to have it on my wall!

Snöskottning said...

very nice :) :)