Monday, March 02, 2009

Dominance Wars IV!

I'm currently participating in one of the biggest online artcontests on the internet called 'Dominance Wars IV', below my entry for their warm-up 2D Challenge. The assignment was to create a 'Warcommander portrait', so I came up with 'Junior'.:D

The backstory behind the character is that he's quite a bad-ass on the battlefield, but has a softspot for his mother, and carries her photo everywhere. :P I added a cheesy frame to my entry to add to the backstory, as the frame might sit on his mother's nightstand or something :P
The frame was a bit of a rushjob, but considering the deadline I'm still happy the way it turned out :)

For an overview of the competetion, please visit
My entry and votingpage can be found at

Voting starts March 6th, all votes are much appreciated! :p




You are welcome!!! By the way, I'm a huge fan of your work. Congratulations!

Peter Braeley said...

ohhh i remember this!! i liked your general. The way you work through it was too easy. Thumbnail, sketch and tones...done!!

Tom van der Linden said...

Hey Edwin,

Ziet er zeker tof uit! Jammer van dat frame, het steekt wel wat af van de rest. Maar die foto is een leuke touch, geeft 'm zeker wat meer diepte :)

Zet 'm op, ik wou dat ik kon meedoen maar school op dit moment laat het niet toe :(

Ik heb ook weer een hoop werk op de stapel, dus hou mijn blog in de gaten ;)