Hi all!
One of my favourite projects I"ve been working on lately is above children'sbook, a project I'm doing with Adam Sidwell, a well known children's book writer & visual FX guru (Pacific Rim, King Kong, Pirates of the Carribean).
The book is called 'Fetch', and is about where dogs REALLY come from, fully illustrated by yours truly of course! :D
However, as it costs quite a bit of money to get the book printed, we started a kickstarter campaign! Click the above video for more info, and then please visit this link:
Help us get together the funds needed to get this book on the shelves, you're already getting a free copy when funding us for a mere 19 dollars, so what are you waiting for! Go go go!
Can you imagine a book filled entirely with these type op drawings? It's going to be AWESOME!:D