After an awesome 3 week vacation in Mexico (hola amigos en Mexicoooo!), some hectic times at work, and a rather slimeybooger-ish flu (of which I'm still recovering *snort*), I'm finally back to show this blog some love again, as I've been neglecting it for way to long already.
Above the first batch of sketches to make up for the long leave of absence, done in my brandnew Moleskin sketchbook with my trusty 0.4 inkpen, with greyscales done in Photoshop.
Sketches like these are usually the first step in my workflow when starting development on a new idea for a story or project, as it allows me to get a 'feel' for the project as a whole real quick (these take aprox. 10-15 min per sketch). Goal was to go for epic and cinematic compositions, which hopefully shows through in the thumbnails.
I've also been doing alot of digital painting lately, so expect some speedpaints and other painted stuff up here in a couple of days aswell.
Thanx for looking, feedback much appreciated! Thanx! :)