
Original sketches:

I can't watch tv anymore...they just cut me off! Damn you Ziggo! (= a crappy dutch cable tv provider) *shakes fist at the world*
But, having all this spare time now, did force me to do more sketchin' (thanx Ziggo! :D), so here's some stuff I've been working on.
Just to try something new, I thought I'd do something shocking, and play with..... *gasp* ....wide panels! This instead of the 16:9 format I usually tend to work in.
It allowed for some fun experimenting with layout and composition, kinda like animation backgrounds you sometimes see in artbooks.
I also just saw Princess and the Frog (a must buy!), which was the inspiration for some of the scenes here.
Done with a 0.3 inkpen, greyscaled in photoshop.
EDIT 08/06/10: Added the original linesketches for your viewing pleasure :)